Friday 12 August 2011

Contemptor Pattern Iron Warriors Dreadnought(Edited)

This is my Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought that arrived from Forge World a week earlier than I thought it would. So far I've only cut and cleaned the parts and laid them out in the assembly positions. Would of been nice if Forge World would send an assembly sheet out with the kit though. I intend to use my own Twin Linked Bolters on the power fists fitted to the outsides of the hands, as I feel this looks better than the in fist ones that the kit comes with. And I've got images in my head of robots firring from the outside of the fists and I can't remember where they come from. Those robots are the ABC Warriors from 2000AD and the new Cylon Warriors from the re-make of Battle Star Galatica
Cut and laid out
Part built
And a different angle
Since these where taken I've repainted this into the colours of my Dark Angel Successor Chapter The Lions Blades.

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